Would YOU Want to Sleep With You? Getting Back In Shape After Divorce

I recently wrote an article published in Sun-Times Media about a weight loss support group for men that has a really unique approach. The guy who started it, Michael Garlin also wrote a workbook to help men get in shape.  With his humorous approach, Garlin asks men, “Would YOU want to sleep with you?” I thought it made sense to post it on Divorced Guy Grinning, in case you are planning on getting back in shape after divorce.

Weight Loss Group Not Complicated, Men Only by Jackie Pilossoph


Usually when guys get together, it’s to watch sports, play golf or play poker. But when guys meet at Michael Garlin’s Buffalo Grove home, it’s a whole other story: They’re there to talk about losing weight.

Garlin is the founder of Every Day Is Monday, the men’s health coaching business he started last year that offers support and education on lifestyle changes that lead to weight loss, fitness and better overall health.

“When I see men who are overweight or obese, I understand how they got there and what they are feeling,” said Garlin, who in the past year has lost more than 60 pounds. “If they can answer yes to the question, ‘Are you ready to get healthy?’ I want to help them and I know I can.”

Garlin, who has worked in executive management for non-profit organizations for 25 years, and who is currently the Executive Director at Congregation Beth Shalom in Northbrook said he’s had weight issues for most of his life.

“I met with my doctor in 2008 and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,” Garlin said. “I started taking medication and watched my weight go up and down for years.”

In June 2013, Garlin’s doctor informed him his diabetes had gotten worse and he was very close to becoming insulin dependent.

“That scared me,” he said. “It was at that moment that I made the decision to become healthy, both physically and mentally for the first time in my life.”

For Garlin, who said he had never worked out and had always loved sugar and carbs, becoming healthy meant a lifestyle that included walking for 30 to 90 minutes per day, seeing a doctor who specializes in weight loss regularly, becoming a vegan and drinking lots of water.

In one year, in addition to his significant weight loss, Garlin’s waist size went from 44 to 34 and his cholesterol went from 280 to 130.

“The energy is ridiculous,” he said…

Click here to learn more about Garlin’s book 



The podcast Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Partners


Jackie Pilossoph

Editor-in-chief: Jackie Pilossoph

Divorced Guy Grinning is a blog for men facing divorce and dating after divorce. It's kind of like hanging out with your platonic female divorced friend and hearing her perspective on your divorce and your love life issues.

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