Relationship Advice For Men: Put Your Babe Before Football


relationship advice for men




A guest post by one of my favorite writers, John C. Turner, (Professor JT), offering relationship advice for men, specifically during football season when fantasy football can become a priority over your romantic relationship.

How About a “Reality” Football League, Fellas?  by John C. Turner, M.S. AKA Professor JT

As we end another great week of Football, I wanted to share my thoughts to the Fellas a bit…


Two things I took away from this particular weekend…

As football season is upon us, we as men are engaged in it…A LOT! Our Fantasy Football teams & progress of our favorite teams have us so consumed sometimes, we can forget about supporting the ones who support us the most…OUR MATES!

As I spent the weekend with Dana, a Beautiful Business Owner, Mother, and divorced Woman I’ve been dating, I learned a couple things even about myself. Things that a 20 something year old John may have been selfish with & would have not even thought about in my younger days.

As we enjoyed Ivy Nights, a Charity Event put on by her Sorority, there were a few Women in relationships and even Married Women who were SOLO at the event. As I love Black Tie events, I truly had an amazing time, but it was interesting seeing so many Women there alone who I knew had mates. If it meant so much for them to be there, why wouldn’t their Mate go with them, I wondered? It may not be their Mates cup of tea but let us be REAL, what if MY LADY went alone & was getting compliments about how great she looked from other Men? Men know how petty & upset we can get sometimes about things like that. But if I was not there on her arm & she was looking good, what’s going to stop a Man from complimenting her?


Katz and Stefani


Then Saturday night, the Notre Dame Football game was on at 7:30pm. NOW, since we’ve been dating, that’s been Dana & I’s time to get together & hang out. With such busy lives & schedules, we set aside time for each other. I appreciated how considerate Dana was this weekend in saying “Hey, I know your team is playing, I’ll let you watch the game if you want to” & even had the TV on the station the game was on when I came to over to visit.

NOW, once again, 20 something JT would have been like…”AWESOME! THANKS BABE!” BUT, I had to think about something. This Woman has made time to spend with me & she could be doing anything else, with anyone else. I said “No, we don’t have to watch the game.” AS BIG as I know this game was, it meant more to me to hang out with her & spend time with her because if she can sacrifice time for me, why couldn’t I do the same for her? We talked for 4 hours while eating pizza, getting to know each other even better & it honestly was better than watching any football game.

What I’m saying is…FELLAS…REMEMBER WITH ALL THAT WE DO & HAVE GOING ON IN OUR LIVES…PUT YOUR MATE FIRST! These sports teams, clothes & shoes we want, video games, social media & electronics we have, even events we want to go to with our friends, they’ll come & go. If we miss ONE GAME, is the World really going to end? How are we so faithful sometimes to things that don’t really benefit us financially, mentally, or even spiritually & which do more stressing us out more than anything where our Mates can’t even stand being around us after a LOSS!?!?!



BUT A FAITHFUL MATE THAT STANDS BY US…THAT IS A BLESSING THAT DESERVES SO MUCH OF OUR LOVE & ATTENTION! Nothing beside God should come before our Mates! We have to realize that so many of our relationships fail because of lack of communication, attention, and consistency, which can be avoided by thinking about our Mates that we’re blessed to have a little bit more.

I can admit that as a divorced Man and even now in dating again 4 years later, some things in my past I put before some of the relationships I was in & it probably was a cause of them ending. While we’re faithful to our favorite sports teams, careers, friends, and even our families, Fellas, are we as faithful to our Mates? Just some thinking points as we think about what we want next in our lives when it comes to relationships.

LADIES…Men today are SORRY!

What can we do BETTER as Mates & Future Mates to support you all?


Remember Fellas! #PUTBAE1ST – Professor JT


relationship advice for men

John Turner, M.S. resides in Indianapolis and is a Model, Author, Educator, Speaker, & Professor.Check out His Book – The Art Form of P.A.S.S.I.O.N. on

The podcast Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Partners


Jackie Pilossoph

Editor-in-chief: Jackie Pilossoph

Divorced Guy Grinning is a blog for men facing divorce and dating after divorce. It's kind of like hanging out with your platonic female divorced friend and hearing her perspective on your divorce and your love life issues.

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