Do you have some advice for this newly divorced man? I sure do! My divorce was finalized a couple months ago, though we split of up 3 years ago. She remarried recently and I can't seem to move on. I don't kn...
Do you have some advice for this newly divorced man? I sure do! My divorce was finalized a couple months ago, though we split of up 3 years ago. She remarried recently and I can't seem to move on. I don't kn...
From a man on coping with divorce: I wasn't a great husband, but I wasn't a horrible one. I love her with all my heart and soul but couldn't show it as much as she needed me to. Instead, I was, at time...
A comment received on the site from a newly separated man: My world crumbled a few months ago when my (now ex) wife told me she wanted a divorce. I suspected that she had (or still has) an emotional affair. ...
Dating advice for men, specifically in response to the comment below from a guy who doesn’t understand why women primp so much for dates. I wouldn’t want to be around someone who...
Below is a guest post by Hector Castillo, a writer for Girls Chase, a site that offers dating advice for men. As a woman, I have to say I totally agree with Castillo's theory! Don't "Ask" Her O...
A male reader posted this comment on Divorced Guy Grinning. I find what he had to say very typical in what happens to divorced men: Wait until you're divorced and you meet someone who makes you...
My heart went out to a sweet guy who emailed me to ask for my advice about dating a divorced woman with kids. The reason I felt so badly for the guy is because he has never been in this situation before, and because of that, the relationship is causi...
When it comes to kids and divorce, telling them initially can seem like the most difficult thing you will ever have to do. Because they are so precious, to me it almost feels like a knife going through your heart. Th...
I received a comment from a newly separated man with 2 kids whose wife left him. In the first paragraph of what he wrote, this newly separated guy is in shock. Second paragraph: he clearly has resentment. T...
This is one of the most beautiful and inspiring divorce stories I have ever read. Written by a soldier coping with divorce, the story will take you from his “broken” moment to the day he found strength, courage and what I ...