Divorce advice, support and professional connections for men

Coping With Divorce: The Crazy Things People Do

October 19, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

I often write about some of the crazy, out of character, and frankly, stupid things I did while I was going through my divorce. While I'm not particularly proud, (and while there might be a couple guys from my past reading this who think Im psychotic...

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Think YOUR Custody Battle is Difficult? Read this!

October 16, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Think YOUR custody battle is difficult? This story broke my heart. Patrick Glynn is a father of 3 children who is currently granted custody for 6 weeks of the year. That’s it. 6 weeks. I don’t know Patrick personally, and I only know some of t...

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Read more articles about divorce & dating

Dating Advice for Men: Women Look at Everything, Including...

October 13, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Articles on dating advice for men usually include topics such as “what to say on a first date,” “What NOT to say on a first date,” “How to get a second date,” etc. etc. But, I have some dating advice I bet you’ve never heard before, ...

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Living In The Same House While Separated

October 10, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

When people decide to separate, one person doesn’t just move out the next day. That would be ideal, wouldn’t it? Because most people who decide to separate feel like they need space and desperately need to be away from their spouse (hence the ter...

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Divorce Advice for Stressful Situations: An Easy Way to Calm Down Fast

October 2, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Picture this. You're sitting at your desk working, and you get an unexpected phone call from your divorce attorney telling you your soon-to-be ex wants to change the agreement you have, because she wants more custody of the kids, or more money. Your ...

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Would YOU Want to Sleep With You? Getting Back In Shape After Divorce

September 30, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

I recently wrote an article published in Sun-Times Media about a weight loss support group for men that has a really unique approach. The guy who started it, Michael Garlin also wrote a workbook to help men get in shape.  With his humorous approach...

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Divorce Advice for Men: Avoid Stress!

September 27, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Is your divorce really worth sacrificing your health? In his guest post, life coach, Marc Slugh gives really really important divorce advice for men that could make a HUGE difference in the way you handle stress when it comes to your divorce. &nbs...

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Dating Advice: How Do You Take Things Slow When you Fall Hard?

September 25, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

In response to a recent post by Jason Price, LMFT, offering dating advice and tips for men, Divorced Guy Grinning received this comment/question:   I have been separated now for almost 6 months, although I have been both emotionally and ph...

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Therapist Gives Tips to Make Dating After Divorce Easier for Men

September 22, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Who better to give tips to men for dating after divorce than a therapist who has a huge patient population of divorced men? In his guest post, Licensed family and marital therapist, Jason Price offers advice to help make dating after divorce a little...

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Divorce and Daughters: Tips For a Good Father Daughter Relationship

September 18, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Divorce and Daughters: The Best Gifts A Dad Can Give His Daughter After Divorce   By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW  A father’s effect on his daughter’s psychological well-being and identity is far-reaching. A daughter’s sense of self, for ins...

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