Divorce advice, support and professional connections for men

My Girlfriend's Kids are Out of Control!

March 1, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

girlfriend's kids

I need some relationship advice! My girlfriend's kids are out of control! The guilt she has over her divorce keeps her from setting clear boundaries for them. Her immature and volatile ex only promotes the misbehavior. Every time they come up it ends...

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Why is Child Support so Unfair to Fathers?

February 18, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

why is child support so unfair to fathers

Many men ask this question: Why is child support so unfair to fathers? My answer is, the subject of child support is so complicated that it's hard to agree or disagree with the question. The amount of child support people have to pay (women have to p...

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What Happens To Your Guns In A Divorce? Here Are Some Legal Facts

August 12, 2020 . Russell Knight

guns in a divorce

Divorce is a time when emotions run high. Having a gun in the home during a divorce can cause apprehension for either spouse. The apprehension of the unspeakable happening or merely an accusation that spins out of control.  Because the stakes are so...

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A Divorced Man's Advice On Dating After Divorce

February 19, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

Reentry  Author wishes to remain anonymous Suddenly single lonesome nights beget thoughts of getting back out there. Whether you have been kicked to the curb for cause or the romance died of natural causes you are back in a world that may have...

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6 Ways Sports Combats Stress During A Divorce

November 24, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

stress during a divorce

How Sports Can Help Anyone Going Through A Stressful Period Going through a divorce can drain the life out of you whether you have been married for two or twenty years. It can be one of the most stressful periods in a person’s life. It is normal...

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Gratitude During The Hard Times Of Divorce

November 12, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

hard times of divorce

Gratitude During The Hard Times Of Divorce Written by a staff writer for Divorce With Dignity   Divorcing your spouse is a major life event that can leave you feeling a range of challenging emotions; from sad, exhausted and energy-deple...

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Single Dad Offers Support For Other Single Dads And Their Kids

October 25, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

single dads and their kids

I absolutely love the concept of single dad, Leland Dieno’s blog, No Deadbeat Society, and his new children’s book designed to help kids realize that even though Dad isn’t living at home anymore, he is still Dad and his love will never change. ...

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Divorce Advice: The Blame Game

October 10, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

divorce advice

Great divorce advice from Chicago based transition coach, Sheila Devi on playing the blame game, and how you can win by quitting it.    The Blame Game  by Sheila Devi What would it feel like to let go of the blame game that you're pl...

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Divorce Advice For Finding Home Sweet Home

September 18, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

divorce advice

Divorce Advice For Finding Home Sweet Home  by Caleb Anderson, freelance writer   One thing that worries people in the midst of a divorce most is living arrangements. Splitting property, assets, finances, and other possessions is not a...

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5 Signs You're In An Unhealthy Relationship

September 9, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

unhealthy relationship

5 Signs You're In An Unhealthy Relationship  by Leticia Summers Starting a new relationship is an exciting time. The initial honeymoon period is filled with starry-eyed happiness, and it feels like you two are the only people in the world. Howeve...

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