Dating After Divorce? Tips to a Good Experience



dating after divorce



This is a great guest post about dating after divorce. It will give you some suggestions on getting started. Not easy, I know. My advice is to really enjoy and appreciate the experiences and people you meet. Not every woman has to be your dream girl. Each girl you date is a gift, and gets you closer to Mrs. Right!

How to Get Back in the Dating Game  by Rachel Esco

No matter how your divorce unfurled, getting back into the dating scene can always feel a little strange. For every freshie, it’s like stepping up to bat on a completely new field. The crowd is different, the stadium is unfamiliar and you’re not 100% sure if you’ll you perform well. Perhaps you’re overwhelmed or just plain nervous, and that’s okay—it’s totally normal.

For some of you, it may have been a decade or even longer since you’ve gone through the motions of taking a woman out. Yet, if you want to succeed in today’s arena of romance, you need to understand all the updated rules and norms of the dating game. So, before warming up and getting out there to pitch, use this guide before taking your first stride onto the plate.


Katz and Stefani


        1. Have Practical Expectations

If you’re hoping to dive back into dating with Megan Fox under your arm, you’ll be gravely disappointed. Men who hold onto unrealistic ideals are only closing themselves off to potentially great experiences with women. To avoid setting yourself up for frustration, you need to establish practical expectations when dating. Let go of your delusions about the perfect person and instead, focus on making room for a someone wonderful who actually exists in real life. In short, you should see dating as a way to find quality connections as opposed to one-up your ended marriage.


         2. Start Online Dating

These days, almost all dating starts in virtual space. People are logging on their computers or phones to scope out their matches and make connections online. Essentially, love and tech are unavoidably in sync. This means that you need to sign up for some dating apps according to the type of relationship you’re seeking. Dating apps like Tinder and Plenty of Fish are usually more oriented toward casual encounters, whereas apps like Match and Who Winked Me are better suited for quality singles looking for the real deal.


          3. Do Not Misrepresent Yourself

When creating a dating profile, you must always select a picture that honestly captures your appearance. Yes, there’s the temptation to use the most flattering photos, but then you’re just offering an idealized version of you– not the real you! This rule also includes using outdated photos that display your best looks from the good old days. Even if you once enjoyed a pre-hubby life of being full-haired, built and tanned, it’s not right to falsely advertise yourself. Although this approach may get you lots of matches, it’s misleading to the women who are attracted to your boosted photo. Ultimately, you want to show your true self. This way, you’ll know that the attraction is mutual and the whole process is clean-cut and truthful. After all, the most promising start to a relationship begins with honesty and nothing less.


         4. Be Text Savvy (not gamey)

It has often been said that a man should wait three days to text his date. Why, you ask? Many believe it creates an aura of mystery and intrigue. This is a flat-out myth! In truth, this game-play will just appear careless to the woman who was waiting to hear from you. So, bottom line is if you don’t want to offend her, text her ASAP. You’re allowed to feel vulnerable when pursuing a new woman, but don’t play games. If you’re worried about whether she’s on the same page, simply text her and show you’re interested. Let her know that you had a great time and see if she’s open to meeting again. If not, it’s her loss. This confidence is vital when maneuvering through the dating process.Ultimately, any waiting games with text will only limit your opportunities. If you want to increase your chances of happiness with a woman, you need to grow a tougher skin and become more proactive in your own romantic destiny… your next date is only a text away.


Use these tips to fuel your dating readiness level and dive into the action. Remember that even if you’re a newcomer to the dating world, the most important part is to have fun. So, savor the freedom to meet new people and don’t take the process too seriously. Good luck and enjoy.

Rachel Esco is a stylish lifestyle writer based in Toronto, known for her spicy articles on nightlife, dating and fashion.



The podcast Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Partners


Jackie Pilossoph

Editor-in-chief: Jackie Pilossoph

Divorced Guy Grinning is a blog for men facing divorce and dating after divorce. It's kind of like hanging out with your platonic female divorced friend and hearing her perspective on your divorce and your love life issues.

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